How to Become a High-Value Male

by Morris Servaessen | 8 May 2023 How to Become a High-Value Male


A high-value male manifests in various ways, with each person having a unique perspective on what defines such an individual.

In this blog post, we will focus on becoming a high-value male to attract the opposite sex.

Women these days are very picky when selecting a male partner. They have a whole list of what they expect. Examples are:

  • Height of at least 6' (183 cm)
  • High-earner
  • Passionated
  • Ambitious
  • Physical Asset
  • Integer and Honest
  • Confident
  • Strong Values and Principles
  • Effective Communication Skills
  • Responsible and Accountable
  • Respectful and Kind

If you want to beat the competition in attracting the opposite sex, then distinguish yourself from the average Joe Shmoe and become the exception.

The definition of Joe Shmoe, according to Wikipedia: He's a typical everyday man without special status.

The Male Value System

People need to eat; otherwise will starve to death. There is always a demand for food. When the harvest is poor in a year because of heavy rainfall or extreme drought, the amount of available bread, for example, goes down, meaning the value of bread will rise.

This value system is also applicable to human beings. When you are an IT specialist somewhere in the middle of nowhere, living in between mainly older people, your value as an IT specialist will be high. In this case, being an IT specialist is valued by the amount of money he earns.

But this doesn't mean an IT specialist is high-value on average. We all know the stereotype that most IT guys are nerdy or geeky, often in combination with being shy and having bad social skills, and being out of shape, is another prejudice men in IT have.

When the demand is high, the supply is low; the price will eventually rise. Try to determine the typical characteristics that define an average man. Honestly, it's not that hard.

Ask yourself: How does an average man's life look? When we look at males in the Western world: He is married, has children, has a 9-to-5 job and an out-of-shape body, and is not fashion aware.

When you look to the past, the king was by far the highest status you could have as a male in medieval Europe. Directly below the king, you had the lords or nobles; direct vassals to the king. Then you had the knights who were vassals to these lords and nobles. And below the knights, you had the peasants. The peasant has the lowest status you could have at that time. You were the property of the lords or nobles, or maybe even better described: You were a slave. This hierarchical system was called the feudal system.

This system does not exist anymore in our current time, but most people don't realize there is a similar kind of system these days. The feudal kingdoms from the 13th century have been replaced with today's corporate kingdoms. The king got replaced by the company owner or CEO, the lords, and nobles got replaced by the top management, the knights by the department managers, and the peasants by the employees. Employees work their asses off these days to become a senior inside their company, but no illusions, you just became a super-peasant.

Now you think, I am not a slave as an employee? Yes, you are! During the feudal system, all land was owned by the king and rented to the lords and nobles. As a peasant, you could not own any land, you could only work on it to survive. These days you cannot just quit your job and build a house somewhere, you don't own the land! You need to buy the land first. Because all the land in the world is owned by somebody.

Blog Post Image by: JianXiang Wu