Japanese Adverbs

by Morris Servaessen | 17 Mar 2023 Japanese Adverbs


Just like all languages in the world, Japanese also has adverbs.

The translation of the word adverb in Japanese is fukushi【副詞 which means something like an assistance word.

Adverbs give us extra information about verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

Important to know: Japanese adverbs are generally not followed by particles.

There are different types of adverbs:

Types of adverbs:

  • Adverbs of Manner
  • Adverbs of Frequency
  • Adverbs of Time
  • Adverbs of Location

Adverbs of Manner

This adverb type describes how something happens, and it gives us extra details.

It helps the reader or listener to visualize more clearly to understand what's happening.

English examples of adverbs of manner:

  • I walk quickly.
  • She speaks intelligently.
  • He quickly eats the pizza.

In Japanese this will be:

  • 私 は 速く 歩きます。.
  • 彼女 は 賢く 話します。.
  • 彼 は 速く ピザ を 食べます。

Adverbs of Frequency

This adverb tells how often you do an action.

You can place this adverb before the direct object or a verb.

Before the direct object:

ときどき 魚 を 食べます

Before the verb:

魚 を ときどき 食べます