Unlocking the Secret Sounds of Japan: A Journey into Japanese Onomatopoeia
Japanese onomatopoeia, also known as "giseigo" (擬声語), are words that replicate or reproduce the sounds of various elements of the natural world, including animal sounds, the noise produced by objects or machines, as well as human actions or emotions.
These words are a crucial feature of the Japanese language and culture and are extensively used in everyday conversations, literature, and entertainment.
List of Onomatopoeia:
Onomatopoeia | English |
ゴロゴロ | rumbling sound |
キラキラ | sparkling, glittering |
クスクス | laughing softly |
ドキドキ | heart beating fast, excitement |
ズキズキ | throbbing pain |
グズグズ | lazy, sluggish |
ピチピチ | tight, elastic |
コロコロ | rolling, tumbling |
シュン | sneezing |
ウロウロ | wandering aimlessly |
バタバタ | flapping, bustling |
キュンキュン | feeling of tightness or squeezing |
ザーザー | pouring rain |
ボロボロ | falling apart, tattered |
クラクラ | dizzy, lightheaded |
ニコニコ | smiling happily |
チリチリ | prickling, tingling |
パラパラ | falling lightly and continuously |
ゴソゴソ | rustling, shuffling |
ワクワク | excited, thrilled |
ポツポツ | dripping, popping |
コワコワ | trembling with fear |
ギシギシ | creaking, grinding |
キーン | ringing in the ears |
バンバン | banging, thumping |
ジリジリ | screeching, squeaking |
ザワザワ | restless, uneasy |
ゲロゲロ | vomiting |
ポッキリ | snapping, breaking in half |
ヒクヒク | pulsating, twitching |