Japanese Present Tense Informal

by Morris Servaessen | 21 Mar 2023 Japanese Present Tense Informal


You have to be cautious when using informal speech in Japanese.

You can use it when you talk to your family or close friends.

It's a sign of intimacy when using informal speech while using the formal Keigo【敬語】form you want to create some distance between you and the listener.

Situations you use formal instead of informal speech are:

  • Talking with strangers,
  • shop assistants,
  • people of your age you just met.

You can use informal speech with your:

  • Family,
  • friends,
  • colleagues who joined the company in the same year
  • and juniors at your company.

Present tense affirmative formal

Forming the affirmative present tense formal, you select the dictionary form of ichidan, godan, or irregular verbs.


  • Ichidan ➝  食べる【たべる】
  • Godan ➝  飲む【のむ】
  • Irregular ➝  勉強する【べんきょうする】


  • 私 は パン を 食べる。
    I eat bread.
  • 山田先生 は ビール を 飲む。
    Teacher Yamada drinks beer.
  • ミラーさん は 日本 を 勉強するつもり。
    Mira studies Japanese.

Present tense negative formal

Forming the present tense negative formal is a bit more complicated, and the rules for ichidan, godan, and irregular verbs are slightly different.

Ichidan verbs

Out of the three verb types the Japanese language has, ichidan verbs are the easiest to conjugate. You take the dictionary form of the verb, drop the last る-syllable, and add ない instead.

Grammar rule ichidan verbs:

食べる【たべる】➝ 食べ + ない ➝ 食べない

Godan verbs

Pay attention; conjugating godan verbs is a little bit more complicated ;)

You take the dictionary form of the verb, then select the last syllable of the verb.

Then you select the row in the hiragana chart where this syllable in the 3rd column is indicated.

The godan verb 飲む【のむ】ends with the syllable .

Following the 3rd column, you will see the む-syllable located on the 5th row of the hiragana chart.

Now switch from the 3rd to the 1st column on the same row.

For 飲む【のむ】 this means becomes .

Delete the last syllable in the dictionary form, and add the instead. To finalize the conjugation, add ない at the end.

Grammar rule godan verbs:

飲む【のむ】➝ 飲ま + ない ➝ 飲まない

More examples:

書く【かく】➝ 書か + ない ➝ 書かない
話す【はなす】➝ 話さ + ない ➝ 話さない
泳ぐ【およぐ】➝泳が + ない ➝ 泳がない

Irregular verbs

There are only two irregular verbs: する and 来る.

There are no rules for conjugating these verbs, you simply have to remember them:

Grammar rule irregular verbs:

する ➝ しない
来る ➝ 来ない